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The Rabbit and the Angel Cake

It's not about using flashy words - using simple and clear language you can capture something special about your life and where you live. I love how the first three lines of Skye's poems lets you right in her head - you're with her seeing that dismal January sky and you share the surprise of what she finds in her lunchbox (the line ending, accidental or not, is brilliant and was completely hers). And the next line too - just read the poem!

Yoxford Primary School is just off the A12 but is definitely a rural village school - which I am delighted to say still exist! - and some of the children wrote about their Dads or Uncles shooting (wood pigeons, doves or pheasants mainly). So the family pet is a working dog and here, is just part of Skye's way of life.

THE RABBIT AND THE ANGEL CAKE I saw a grey sky and I felt like it was going to snow.

When I looked in my lunchbox I saw an angel

cake. I think the cake was named after

my rabbit. In my bedroom I have a drawer

I keep my books in. I can hear

my dog and my cat. Woof! Me-aow! and Autumn

Rose crying Waaaaaah! Ryan is snoring

and my dog wears a camouflage coat

for beating and shooting. I am hiding

under my bed from my brother.

Skye, Yoxford Primary School

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